Thursday, May 5, 2011

Alex is 5 today

I want to pay a little tribute to my favorite little boy in the whole world. Today Alex turns 5. I can not believe it has been 5 and yet I still remember that day like it happened yesterday. My mom was in town visiting waiting as anxiously for his arrival as we were. We got a call on May 5Th. At 3:27 p.m a couple of hours earlier she had our baby. 9lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long. We were told that we could come and meet him the following day at 3 p.m. Knowing my baby was here and I had to wait nearly 24 hours to meet him drove me bananas. We immediately got in the car and went shopping. The ultra sound early on did not indicate if he was a boy or girl so we didn't have a lot of things for him. So we went shopping. Believe me shopping therapy works.

We met Alex on May 6th the day after he was born. What a bittersweet moment. We are so thankful to Stacey and the sacrifice she made for us to be able to have this sweet Little boy in our lives. I can't believe it has been 5 years. I am getting so emotional thinking back to that time in our lives. I can't imagine my life without this awesome kid. I love him SO much.

When I woke him up, to Kayla and I singing "happy birthday" , He got a big smile on his face and said "am I 5 now?". Such a big mile stone, not only to me but to him too. He is so excited to be able to say that he is 5.

Alex is a great kid. Most of the time if he is told not to do something he listens, he knows what is right and what is wrong. He is so tender hearted. He is aware of others feelings. If someone at school is having a hard time he is the first to put his arm around them and help them through the day. I am such a proud mom when I learn of the great things he does at school. He makes friends easily and has a lot of them. He is a good helper and is so proud when he does his chores. He is very athletic too which makes playing with him a lot more fun for us big kids. He has such a excitement for life, always wants to have fun. (hmmm wonder where he go that) He is so dang smart too. I had parent teacher conferences a couple of weeks ago. The teachers love Alex and are going to miss him. She showed me some of his work and i said well that is pretty good. It was identifying letters and #s. H got 48 of 54 right with letters and on #s 17 of 21. So I said that is pretty good and the teacher said, no, that is incredible. Kids in kindergarten might get 10 out of 54 right. Imagine how I felt knowing my kid is so brilliant.

Alex I love you so much. I have loved every moment in these last 5 years and I look forward to the next!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Playing at one of the parks at the zoo.
She is was in a weird mood at the playground. I think she is still cute as heck.

My little chicken

Alex loves the grizzly bears

Grizzly Bears.

Once again I am posting zoo pictures. Everyone better just get use to it because we have a pass and it entertains the kids for hours. They love the zoo. Summer at the zoo is a lot more fun because the kids can play in the fountains and we are outside the whole time. Winter gets a little long unless we get an occasional nice day like this day where we can venture on outside. Lucky for us a big portion of the zoo is indoor.

copy cat

Alex was laying on the floor so Kayla of course had to copy him and lay right next to him.

Alex would not smile normal. Kayla thinks he is hilarious. I like this picture because of the way Kayla is looking at Alex. You can tell she absolutely adores him.

These kids crack me up. Notice Kayla is really reaching her feet to the stairs because Alex has his feet on the stairs. Alex had his hands behind his head so Kayla copied him. He moved his hands as I snapped the picture.

My divalicious daughter

My makeup had to be put up high, on a tall shelf out of sight. Why you ask? look at this little diva. She can not keep her hands (or face) out of my make up. There has been 3 occasions where she has applied mascara to her eyelashes and most of her eyes. The lipstick was in my costume drawer. I don't normally where bright red lipstick, just on Halloween. Now when I am getting ready she comes in and says "mommy, you do make up". I tell her yes I am and she says "I need my makeups" So she sits on my counter and pretends to put makeup on using my makeup brushes. I have learned to get my makeup done before she wakes up or while she is busy. Love this girl so much.