Be prepared to look at A LOT of pictures. These are pictures I have taken with my phone this spring and I finally got them uploaded to the computer. So if they are a little out of focus that is why!

Erik gave me these gorgeous flowers for mothers day. I thought this was a good way to start my Spring Blog. HAPPY SPRING!

pictures tend to look a little stretched. We got the kids a slip and slide a week ago and we have already got a lot of good use out of it!

don't have a lot of pics of my kids together. . .this is one of my favorites!

Alex turned 4 in may. I made him this chocolate train cake. He loves chocolate and he loves trains, what better combination is there!

This is one of my lilac bushes/trees that we planted last year. I love spring because of the smell of lilacs. it reminds me of my grandma fay! I miss you grandma!

This was a picture of Alex on his birthday! What a
handsome little man!

My sweet
Kayla all ready for church!

The kids have loved
digging in the dirt this spring. We just planted a bunch of flower and plants here so there "sand/dirt box" is no longer a play area! I am sure Kayla will tell us otherwise.

This was at
edinbourough. Kayla sat in here for a while with this other little girl! So cute!

Bath time!

Aren't they the cutest things ever?!?!?!

I LOVE this picture! I just wish it was in better focus. She is such an angel!

We went to Fond Doe Rosa in Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago. The kids get to feed the animals. They LOVED it.

Daddy helping Kayla feed the deer!

Flying a kite. Alex did really well with his first time flying a kite. Well maybe second time. The first time I think he let it go and got it tangled in trees. (last year)

Mommy helping Kayla feed the deer. Kayla is not loving it. Her idea of feeding was throwing the food at them and keeping her distance!

We went to eat at Broadway pizza. Kayla's hair was in the way so I threw it up in a pony tail. She looked so dang cute I had to get a picture!

Kayla pulled out all of my pots and pans and decided she fit nicely in this one. She was yelling "
owie owie" and then she would giggle. She was quite thrilled with herself.

Carver lake. The only thing you really need is a bucket for each kid. They spent most of the time filling it up with water and then dumping it on the sand.

Kayla at Carver Lake!

Alex at the
Children's museum. If that place
wasn't always so
crowded I would go more often. I don't want to go unless I have an extra set of hands. Alex and Kayla like different things there so they run in two different directions. We got a membership so we will be going quite a bit.

Carver Lake! by the way, it is only about 5-10 min from my house. SO convenient.

This at the zoo. There is a place to go and read.
Kayla read here for awhile, by herself and with daddy.

I was taking pictures and Alex jumped in front and asked for his picture. What a goof ball!

Swinging at the park!

Playing in the slip and slide.

Feeding the deer

We were at K-mart shopping for sunglasses.

Kayla flying the kite. She actually let it go a couple of times so I was chasing after the fly away kite a few times.

On your birthday you get to go on the rides at the
MOA for free. I had Grandma watch Kayla and Alex and I went to the Mall by ourselves. We had a great time.

Alex digging for bones at the
children's museum!

Alex on the big turtle at the zoo.

More feeding at Fond Doe Rosa!